Friday, 25 January 2019

differences in hosted and non-hosted accounts

Hasil gambar untuk non hosted dan hosted

Non Hosted
Having a google adsense account is a privilege, earlier than google adsense and approved better than PPC (pay per click).

Google adsense is the most appropriate means to get online, namely the publisher from google adsense (displaying google ads on the page of our blog).

Did you know if this google adsense account has two types, each of which has the same function, only the difference according to which site can display ads from Google.

Well, let's discuss a little about this.

Hosted Account
1. Hosted Google Adsense registration can be via Youtube and Blogspot.

2. Registration of a Hosted account is only one review and is easier to accept with the agreed terms of the Google Adsense program.

. Hosted Adsense ads can only be approved on Youtube and Blogspot

4. Hosted Adsense ads can be more than one Youtube account and more than one Blogspot account.

5. Hosted Adsense ads cannot be accessed on Top Level Domain (TLD) blogs, such as .com, .net, .org,, .info, and so on.

Non Hosted Account
1. Register a Non Hosted account through a blog with Top Level Domain, for example .com, .net, .org,, .info and others.

Registration of this Non Hosted Adsense account will be more difficult because it passed 2 times, first place the ad, and the second review received or rejected.

3. Non Hosted Adsense Ads can support on Youtube, Blogspot, and blogs with Top Level Domain (TLD)

If you already have an account hosted by Google Adsense, you can upgrade to a non-hosted account by creating your blogspot account to a Top-Level Domain (TLD) or the term in a special domain.

Of course to register for a Google adsense account on your blog must pass a review from Google, to get approval (approved), this also depends on your own blog.

If you have met the requirements to approve and fulfill all Google adsense (Tos) requirements, surely your blog will be quickly accepted.

Like my blog, I am now waiting for another process to be approved from Google Adsense which is not hosted

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differences in hosted and non-hosted accounts
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