Friday, 25 January 2019

Interesting Posts Increase the Power of Blogs

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Know the reader, that the strength of a blog or website lies in the quality of content or writing that is interesting, even though the amount of content also influences.

Maybe this seems mediocre. Even many people who write blogs carelessly, the severity of copy paste without modification. It means there is an article then copied everything to his post, both text and images.

Well, copy paste for me is not a problem, as long as the copy paste is the idea. But for how to deliver it is still good, yes, in the edits a little. Not that I support plagiarism, but after all we still have to give awards to writers and originators of ideas.

The visitors have also been increasingly intelligent to assess, whether the blog he visited was weighty or not. If he feels the blog is full of the info he wants, chances are he will visit again next time.

If you want to increase blog visitors, make sure to pay attention to the quality of your content. Try to provide informative content for your audience who have faithfully visited your blog. Make interesting and useful articles. Then slowly and consistently increase the number of posts so that our website is more alive.

What happens if our website has only 2-3 posts. How do you react when you arrive at your blog?

Moreover, the preacher of Google, when he sent a few bot crawlers to crawl our website, and it turns out that there are only a few content, of course tomorrow-the next day he is reluctant to visit again

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Interesting Posts Increase the Power of Blogs
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